KFC Portugal had a challenge: they wanted to ensure that everyone would try the new Zinger Bucket consciously. It's not about spiciness, it's pure fire. This limited edition had to be communicated very clearly: either you can handle it... or you cry. The response ignited all fronts - TV and digital video, social media, media plan, and OOH (billboards and in-store communication). "Order now, if you dare" was the chosen slogan to make it clear that the Zinger Bucket was only for the brave and that even for them, some tips might come in handy. Presenting 50 safe ways to eat this flaming chicken explosion (from 74 bags of ice in a bathtub to getting hit with a beer jet in the face) was the solution found to ensure that anyone who ordered one of these would get exactly what they deserved - an experience that'd make them cry... for more. Agency - Legendary People + Ideas Art Director - Luís Barata Creative Director - Tiago Ribeiro Copywriter - Daniela Pineu Social Media Manager - Pedro Agostinho Account Manager - Ana Mendes This campaign earned 5 Awards at "Prémios Lusófonos da Criatividade"